Comments on: The 3 Things I Learned By Counting Paleo Macros musings and (mostly) paleo recipes Sun, 08 Oct 2023 11:12:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jessica Sun, 02 Oct 2022 14:22:56 +0000 In reply to Clare.

Hi Clare! I have mixed feelings about IF. It's good for some but not for all. It's also been shown that women shouldn't have a fasting of more than 10 hours, so you should have a 14 hour eating window, whatever that looks like for you. In regards to a regular eating schedule, that's going to depend on your lifestyle and what you're eating. I find that when getting started, setting an alarm to remind me when it's time to eat can be helpful until it becomes a habit.

By: Clare Sat, 17 Sep 2022 01:30:41 +0000 In reply to Jessica.

Hi Jessica,
I am so encouraged by your article and ready to try what you are doing!!
I eat a paleo diet but have used intermittent fasting also and I think it has made me gain weight. But I am so used to it I am not even sure how to go about eating every 2-3 hrs. How many calories, etc. what does your every three hours look like and when do you stop and start eating?

By: Jessica Tue, 04 May 2021 14:44:20 +0000 In reply to Jyssica.

HI Jyssica! Macros can be really helpful to get a handle on what a healthy plate looks like. Combining paleo and macros is one of the most powerful combos I've found! If you have additional questions, please feel free to shoot me an email and I am happy to help answer any questions you have.

By: Jyssica Tue, 27 Apr 2021 14:13:07 +0000 Like Vanessa, I found your page when I was searching for Whole30 Macro Counting. I've eaten Paleo and done rounds of Whole30 but never truly adapted that lifestyle. I am a macro counter but want to clean up my diet by eating more the Paleo way instead of the American way where whatever fits your macros fits. With that being said, I'm nervous that I won't be able to reach my protein goal without a shake/bar/dairy but also that I will go over my fats by a long shot. Anyways, I'm going to search around your page and see if I can find some tips/tricks to help me. I know deep down that I should be eating better but I just truly love tracking macros so want to find a healthy balance.

By: CAROLINA Sun, 19 Jul 2020 17:23:08 +0000 In reply to Jessica.

I loved this post and your openness!!! Just exactly what I was looking for!!!

By: Jessica Sat, 11 Jul 2020 19:25:20 +0000 In reply to Vanessa.

Hi Vanessa,

Thanks for your message! When you plateau, the answer is usually macros. I don't love counting macros, but it does help propel you forward and give you that boost you need to get over the hump. If you send me an email at I would be happy to chat more about macro specifics and where I recommend you look!

By: Vanessa Sat, 04 Jul 2020 04:12:39 +0000 I see you wrote this over a year ago. I searched google for Whole30 and macro counting and found you. You are exactly what I was looking for. I have been a whole30er since 2017. I lost about 15 lbs in 8 or 9 months and then have just plateaued. I have continued to eat mostly whole30 with sushi thrown in a few times a month but have started to learn that macros are important and may be exactly what I have been missing. Like you said “My goal is truly just to decrease my body fat.” I struggle understanding how macros work and how to calculate them in my meals. I wish someone could provide a tangible answer to what and how much should I eat to hit my macros. I am starting to look at meal plans hoping it will help guide me. Anyway, thank you for writing this - it gives me hope that it will click one of these days.

By: Jessica Sat, 28 Dec 2019 01:15:56 +0000 In reply to sarah.

Hi Sarah!

This is such a great question. Honestly, it's a difficult one to answer, because the answer is a little bit of both.

We've adopted mostly W30/paleo as our way of eating in our house. We don't own refined sugar, regular flour, etc. Our pantry is stocked with paleo ingredients, and when I want to bake cookies or brownies, I find or make a paleo recipe in order to do it. Most meals are proteins and veggies, which is more second nature by now than anything else.

From counting macros, I learned what portion sizes look like. I can now eyeball 4oz of chicken breast and 2 cups of spaghetti squash pretty closely without actually weighing and measuring, and I know when I go take a giant spoonful of almond butter out to dip my apple that it's way more than a serving of fat.

When I feel myself starting to get lazy, or fall off things, I spend a couple of weeks dialing it back in. Sometimes that's W30 style, sometimes its macros, sometimes its just strict paleo.

So, it comes and it goes. I'm pretty good about eating really really clean most of the time, and when I'm not, I forgive myself, because I put in way more deposits of healthy stuff than unhealthy stuff.

By: sarah Thu, 26 Dec 2019 20:56:50 +0000 are you still doing macro counting and whole30 food most of the time? or did you phase out of tracking and counting?
